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It's Not Gambling, It's Day Trading

Melodee profile 200pxMeet Melodee, InterProse's indispensable Executive Assistant by day, and a force to be reckoned with in the forex market before the sun rises on the company's workday. Since 2018, she's been navigating the intricate world of forex trading, often getting up in the wee hours of the morning to explore market opportunities.

The foreign exchange (forex or FX) market is a global marketplace for exchanging national currencies. Because of the worldwide reach of trade, commerce, and finance, forex markets tend to be the world's largest and most liquid asset markets.

In a previous life, Melodee also took on the role of trading coach, sharing her expertise with a dedicated following 😉 on Telegram. A whopping dozens of followers eagerly anticipate her trade ideas.  She sees this as a labor of love to help fellow traders struggling to make a profit in forex.

Fast forward to 2022, and Melodee's interactions and collaboration with the brilliant minds at InterProse ignited a new spark. Inspired by her tech-savvy colleagues, she decided to venture into the world of coding, determined to create a forex trading robot. Drawing from her tried and true trading strategy, Melodee birthed "SimpleBot" with the help of AI, a dash of inspiration, and no small amount of trial and error. This tireless digital companion has been diligently navigating the forex market for about eight months now, allowing Melodee to redirect her efforts from working tirelessly in the market to other endeavors... like sleeping!

Chart with robot trade calling
This is what SimpleBot looks like when calling a trade. The yellow horizontal lines are the indicators Melodee sees that alert her for trade opportunities.
Just a sample of tradelines

SimpleBot suggests lots of trades and Melodee acts upon those suggestions, often times in the same currency, during her trading sessions.

Sample recommendation from SimpleBot
Melodee built in clear guidance that SimpleBot uses to recommend trade parameters when the algorithm identifies opportunities to make money.