Welcome to the ACE Videos Page!

If you've made it to this page, you are in for a treat. We have curated a mixture of our informative demo videos as well as some fun content to keep from getting too serious or bored. Don't worry, the videos are labeled clearly, so if you're not here to laugh, we'll keep you focused on the all-business route. 


Bear in mind that to get a truly tailored demonstration of InterProse's class-leading debt collection software platform, ACE, you should schedule a demonstration with one of our representatives if you haven't done so already. In the meantime, these curated videos will give you a good idea of what to expect. 


ACE Enhanced ELS | 2 Way Email Demo

At its core, ACE is built to prioritize two major goals of a collection agency or department: Obviously, processing and digesting financial transactions for account holders taking care of their debts, but before that, it's the communication of to the account holder. 

For years, regular old postal service mail was the only trusted option, but now digital strategies are not only saving valuable time in reaching a consumer, but TONS of money! At less than a penny per message, email is a no-brainer strategy for agencies looking to communicate with account holders in a modern way.

This video showcases the 2024 upgrades to ACE's native email capabilities, including two-way email and inbox tools as well as email tracking that gives ACE customers the ability to build strategies based on consumer actions. 

All that, and RAINMAKER, ACE's native generative AI integration, comes with it at no extra cost - just one more benefit to ACE customers that differentiates InterProse from the competition.

ACE ITMS | Text Messaging Demo

The future of the ARM industry lies in successful digital communication strategies. Email has been supported within ACE for years, but in 2022, a full integration to support a native SMS product as well as our Solutions by Text integration was released. 

With native interface tools, SMS conversations between consumers and the permissioned ACE users are documented at the account level. Communications can be restricted to templated messages approved by management or freeform text responses. 

The LLM AI integration InterProse provides at no extra cost to ACE customers, RAINMAKER, will prompt a user with suggested responses relevant to the account information, including hyperlinks that auto log in a consumer to the Virtual Agent 2.0 application. 

If enabled, SMS conversations can even take place between RAINMAKER and consumers during business off-hours. 

ACE Virtual Agent 2.0 Demo

One of InterProse's first products was the Virtual Agent Collector, a bolt-on consumer portal for legacy collection platforms designed to give consumers a choose-your-own adventure to resolve their debt, hosted by a proprietary digital avatar. 

Virtual Agent 2.0 debuted at the 2023 ACA National Expo in Chicago and sets the standard for integrated consumer account resolution applications. Modeled after a mobile app to make the interactions intuitive and simple, VA2.0 is seamlessly integrated into the ACE platform, providing consumers with a real-time connection to their account information and the agency with a real-time sense of consumer activities. 

The primary goal of VA2.0 is to provide consumers with a self-service application to view and resolve their accounts on their own. They can:

  • view debt info and documents exposed to them
  • make single payments or setup secured payment plans
  • negotiate settlements or chat with agents or the RAINMAKER LLM AI if enabled

Eliminate PCI exposure by sending dedicated auto login links to consumers via SMS or email in the moment to give them a secure way to enter payment information.

ACE Accounting Demo

The two most important capabilities of a collection agency or collection department are communicating with responsible parties and facilitating payments. 

Communications, whether through an integrated dialer or VOIP provider, SMS tool or email account, are multi-pronged strategies that are supported through machine automation settings or good ol' fashioned click to initiate integrations. 

Where the rubber hits the road is when money is involved and integrated payment gateways make sure ACE knows the status of a scheduled payment before the customers does and can take action to properly communicate, status and adjust accounts accordingly before they ever hit a collector's queue. 

Once payments are posted, either through automation or manual posting, the trust accounting built into ACE can handle your ledgers, reporting and even generate NACHA files to electronically remit to your clients. 

Gone are month ends that spill into the next month. Go home at 5pm on the last day of the month and check your reports in the morning. You're going to need a new hobby. 

ACE Judgment Tracking Demo

In this demo, you will ride along for an actual sales demo with a prospective customer. They may even ask questions you would have asked in their shoes!

If your agency or department has a legal process or forwards accounts for legal action, the ACE platform has tools to track those processes and and even generate documents to facilitate actions if being performed internally. 

Multiple accounts can be associated with one judgment. 

More than one judgment can be logged to a responsible party (and if your system limits you to ten judgments per consumer, don't you worry - there is no such limitation in ACE)

More than one responsible party can be part of a judgment file.

Documents can be attached to judgments.

Garnishments can be set up and managed in ACE.

ACE Dashboard Demo

Follow along as our very own Greg Ruffino, a former corporate trainer for an agency, explains the dashboards available to InterProse ACE users.

Having the experiences of presenting actionable information to employees and facilitating not only efficiency but work satisfaction really informs the content he presents. 

With ACE Dashboards, you can expect near real-time updates, giving you a dynamic look at agency or employee performance.

Being customizable, your employees, leadership and clients have the information they require and nothing more. 

So sit back and enjoy Greg's soothing voice give you an idea of how easy it will be to monitor your agency or department's performance - you know, from a beach somewhere.

ACE Agent Experience Demo

A conversion off of collection software is obviously disruptive to an agency's ownership and management. There are tons of considerations ranging from accounting to reporting to client interactions. 

That said, the staff members who will be spending, far and away, the most time in your new system are the debt collectors who interact with consumers, patients or commercial representatives every business day you operate. 

Aaron Reiter, InterProse's Chief Sales & Marketing Officer and a Managing Partner with InterProse, made a video directed at the front-line employees of your business to introduce them to the exciting capabilities they will have available to them if/when your business engages InterProse to help you modernize your operation. 

Aaron thinks he's somewhat of a comedian at times, so just know that whether you find his humor funny or groan-worthy, the asides and attempts to get a laugh will keep your team engaged either way. Enjoy!

Make a Robot Do That Stuff! | 2021 ACA Ignite Innovation Stage

Here's a blast from the past with some inside jokes that will make sense if you know Roger Weiss or Scott Purcell. Fair warning, this includes more of Aaron's sense of humor, but was well received so we're thinking you'll get a kick out of it too. 

The goal here is to demonstrate how process automation works within ACE. So many software platforms make computer decisioning complicated by requiring users to know how to code actions or by calling basic machine decisioning that's been around since the 80's "AI-based technology".

We're sorry to be the bearers of obvious news, but if a system lives on an AS400 or FoxPro infrastructure environment, it's not even close to "AI-based". It can do if-this/then-that decisioning, but with today's GPT and comparable Large Language Model (LLM) AI tools changing the face of business, machine decisioning and basic character recognition just doesn't rate. 

Truth be told, the tools Aaron's showcasing here aren't AI either, they are machine decisioning. It's just that the tools are intuitive and ACE admin users can iterate them to their hearts' content, automating every redundant, objective business operation that makes work suck.  

And now, just for fun...

A Tale of Two Collection Agencies




In this whiteboard animation video, you'll follow the stories of two agency owners. One owner, who chose to modernize her collection software and another who's still rocking a legacy platform.

Liquid ACE

For all of those who aren't ready to embrace a platform modernization effort, InterProse released Liquid ACE in 2021. 
Distilled with the same Java, PostgreSQL and HTML our ACE customers enjoy, Liquid ACE will help you get through those manual tasks well past 5pm while you're still at your desk. 

Liquid ACE - Reg F Edition

After Reg F and on the heels of the Safeguard Rules, we followed up our fan-favorite Liquid ACE campaign with a sequel video promoting the latest iteration of the Liquid ACE product line. 
Follow along as Aaron teaches you how to make the signature drink we designed for the occasion, affectionately called, "The Safeguard Rule". 