3 Minutes
A man falls down a hole. The hole is deep and the sides are too steep for him to climb out. He sees a doctor walking by and calls out for help. The doctor looks down in the hole, writes a prescription, throws it down the hole and leaves. The man sees a priest walking by and calls out for help. The priest looks down the hole, says a prayer for the man, and leaves. Then the man sees a friend of his walking by and calls for help. The man looks down, sees his friend in the hole, and jumps in without hesitation.
“Why would you jump in?”, the man asked. “Now we’re in this hole together.”
“Yeah,” the friend replied, “but I’ve been down here before and I know how to get out.”
Pick a cliché: Misery loves company. We’re all in the same boat. There is more that unites us than divides us. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Never eat broccoli with a stranger.
There is a commonality that we all seek and find comfort in, whether times are good or bad.
ACA International’s annual convention is coming up later this month in Nashville (it's true! It's already July!) and above and beyond the sessions, vendors in the exhibit hall (come see InterProse at Booth 223) and the sponsors (enjoy Wednesday's lunch on us!), events like this one, and many other great events hosted by state, regional, and national groups, offer the chance for professionals to come together and talk. Those interactions are some of the most important benefits of attending these events and why everyone should be attending as many of them as possible.
While it may seem like your problems are your own, chances are you pretty good that you are not the first person who has had to deal with whatever is keeping you up at night. There are others who have gone through it and learned valuable lessons. One of the great underpinnings of the ARM industry is that people never shy away from sharing information because the overarching sentiment is that a rising tide raises all boats (more clichés!). Most professionals in the industry are quick to lend a hand or share their experiences.

If you are planning to attend
ACA International’s convention this month, or any other conferences this year, that’s great. Please look us up in Nashville. We hope you make great connections and have a bunch of rewarding conversations.
If you are not attending any conferences, enjoy your broccoli. ;o)